The 4-week Flex Program

As a free-to-use program, this will have everything you need to get bigger, stronger, and faster. It incorporates specific parts of the more extensive programs on my website and gives you insight into selecting, programming, and including exercises for particular goals. This is a foundational fitness program.

The Goals of this Program are:

  • Increase muscular strength, power, and endurance

  • Increase Vo2 max and cardiovascular endurance

  • Increase mobility and range of motion

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Program Guide

  • This program will utilize an Excel spreadsheet where information can be updated on the document.

    There will be multiple columns used in the spreadsheet to provide the specific exercise components.

    The components are: Sets/ Reps/ Rest/ Tempo

  • Sets and Repetitions when training dictates the volume, the type of lift, and rest times between lifts.

    There will be three different Repetition styles used:

    • Closed rep ranges: These are fixed and should be followed as they are written. Example: 5x5

    • Open rep ranges: These are up to your own discretion and will allow freedom in lift specificity. Example: 3x8-12

    • RIR: Reps In Reserve stops the lift when the amount of RIR is met. Example 2-RIR: 6 back squats are completed. Only 2 more back squats will theoretically be completed, the lift is complete. The lifter has 2-RIR.

  • Included in each week of the program are two cardio days. On both days, you will have the option of Running or swimming. There will be a beginner option and an advanced option for both forms of cardio.

    It is perfectly acceptable do both running or both swimming depending on your goals or personal preference. It is also perfectly fine to do a mix of both at the level you are capable of.

  • Different exercises require different rest times. As you complete this program, pay attention to, and maintain the proper rest times during each exercise. Adequate rest increases strength and allows for greater effort each set.

    Keep a timer, watch, or clock near you when working out to ensure necessary rest is met between sets.

  • Tempo plays an important role in the control and safety of a lift. There are three main types of tempo:

    • ECC or Eccentric- The stretching part of the movement.

    • CON or Concentric- The contraction part of the movement

    • ISO or Isometric- Static phase between Eccentric and Isometric phase.

  • The Warm-up for each day provides a list of exercises to choose from. When warming up, choose two exercises from each category. If more warm-up is necessary by all means do an extra exercise!

    The three categories are:

    • Stability Exercises

    • Dynamic stretches

    • Band Work

    Learn to identify which warm-up exercises prepare you best for the lift ahead.

    I have an example video on my "Videos Tab" which provides an example.

Exercise List:

Upper Body List:

Lower Body List:

Extra List: